Better Banking Experience

Created by a pool of innovators, Finmonster is designed to make business banking simpler than ever before. From opening a cash account to securing financing, banking services is essential to every business. Until now, however, business banking has been needlessly complex. Even successful businesses have struggled to get the right support and proper funding. FinMonster solves those problems by providing an efficient, easy-to- use platform that connects businesses with bankers. The brainchild of visionary bankers and technology engineers, Finmonster brings you convenient, one-stop access to a wide range of financial institutions that can help you grow your business.

We're committed to working with an ever-growing list of financial institutions, so you can trust us to find the solution that’s best for you. With FinMonster, business banking has never been so easy or convenient. For more information, just get in touch. We look forward to working with you.


FinMonster aims to help any business anywhere in the world get the local banking support they need in any market worldwide. It is a revolutionary view of banking that changes the way businesses of all sizes get financial support. Our missions and vision are to improve:

Banking Support for Corporates

It’s a revolutionary new view of banking that’s changing the way businesses get financial support. We’re committed to offering a convenient platform that makes businesses lives easier to access banking support. .

Market Efficiency

Our streamlined system makes it quick and easy for businesses to connect with exactly the right bankers in an efficient, adaptable and fair infrastructure.

Profitability of Business

We are proud that businesses which might otherwise not have access to liquidity are now able to obtain lower cost of banking services with shorten deal times and be even more productive on the businesses.


How can I get the banking support I need?
What if my enquiry gets no response?
Does FinMonster directly lend to customers?
How long will it take for my enquiry to get a reply?
How does FinMonster match-making work?
I’m not sure which banking services I should apply for. Who I can talk to?
After making the first contact through FinMonster, can I contact my banker directly for further enquiries?
Can registered users maintain an enquiry history on the platform?
Is the background of registered bankers verified?
Can my financing enquiry be anonymous to protect my privacy?
Can I submit my banking enquiry without providing any corporate information?
Will my payment details be stored by FinMonster?
Can registered bankers randomly view my corporate information?
Can Corporate Customers randomly view a banker’s background information?
Do FinMonster charge Bankers for registration or receive enquiries?
How does FinMonster charge Corporate Users for the service?